This is just the beginning!

The last time Pluto entered into the sign of Aquarius was Mar ~ Jun 2023 and the Sun was not in Aquarius. But on 20/21 Jan 2024, Pluto will conjunct the Sun in Aquarius which is a very rare occasion.

The Sun signifies our vitality, identity, life force, ego, creativity, energy. If we don’t play our Sun well, we will feel depressed, unmotivated, lack of energy, low self-esteem, unappreciated, loss of life purpose and direction.

Pluto signifies transformation, power, demolition, re-birth, depth, intensity, obsession, possessiveness, resurrection, darkest fears, control, sex, jealousy, secrecy, healing, psychology, magic, occult. Any planet that touches Pluto, will definitely go through Pluto’s power of transformation. Pluto will penetrate to the core to change us.

When Pluto was in the sign of Capricorn from 2008 to 2023, I have seen so many clients who has Capricorn planets, especially the Sun experienced big life changes.

You may wonder, “It’s sound scary! How do I navigate through this?”

Well, in Evolutionary Astrology, we believe that life doesn’t happen TO you, life happens THROUGH you. Through life experiences, be it opportunities or challenges, we are souls having a human experience so we can learn, evolve and fulfill our souls’ purpose here.

Now, looking back at Pluto in Capricorn for the past 15 years. Let’s break it down to the positive and negative archetypes of Capricorn.

Capricorns on the high road:

Hardworking, Integrity, Determination, Organized, Ambitious, Patient, Enduring, Responsible, Honest, Reliable, Mature, Committed, Respectable, Good with Authority

Shadow side of Capricorns:

Authoritative, Too serious, Overly cautious, Demanding, Restrictive, Controlling, Limiting, Stiff, Unemotional

Since 2008, how have you been doing your Capricorn archetype and what big transformations happened? Look at the house that Capricorn falls (see below) and see how you have been showing in that area of your life, based on the characteristics listed above.

Aries Rising:

10th House of public persona, career

Taurus Rising:

9th House of foreign things, places travel, philosophy, belief system, religion, higher education, teaching

Gemini Rising:

8th House of secrets, joint resources, sex, other people’s money, tax, debt, insurance, taboo

Cancer Rising:

7th House of marriage, intimate relationship, work partnership, 1-1 connection

Leo Rising:

6th House of daily routine, health and wellbeing, pets, daily work

Virgo Rising:

5th House of fun, joy, love affairs, gambling, children, risk taking

Libra Rising:

4th House of family, home, father, emotions, ancestors

Scorpio Rising:

3rd House of local environment, neighbors, transport, communication, siblings and close relatives, learning

Sagittarius Rising:

2nd House of money, personal resources, self-esteem

Capricorn Rising:

1st House of self, identity, body, appearance

Aquarius Rising:

12th House of spirituality, hidden agenda, behind the scenes, loss, intuition, dreams

Pisces Rising:

11th House of friendship, communities, social circle, hopes and wishes

Now, let’s look at how Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius from Nov 2024 for the next 20 years to 2044 will change the area of your life.

Again, we need to know the positive and negative archetypes of Aquarius and strive to work on the positives.

Aquarius on the high road:

Innovative, Evolving, Inventive, Independant, Intelligent, Quick, Free-spirited, Quirky, Social Awareness, Humanitarian, Authentic

Shadows of Aquarius:

Cold, Detached, Aloof, Erratic, Unreliable, Unpredictable, Disruptive, Rebellious, Inconsistent, Overly eccentric

When Pluto enters Aquarius, the areas of our lives affected are as below:

Aries Rising: 11th House; Taurus Rising: 10th House; Gemini Rising: 9th House; Cancer Rising: 8th House; Leo Rising: 7th House; Virgo Rising: 6th House; Libra Rising: 5th House; Scorpio Rising: 4th House; Sagittarius Rising: 3rd House; Capricorn Rising: 2nd House; Aquarius Rising: 1st House; Pisces Rising: 12th House

This is a very significant shift in all of us and as long as we embrace the transformations with curiosity and not fear, Pluto will be on our side to help with the evolution of mankind.

Sending love, peace and joy for a great 20 years ahead!


Cosmic Scope for Feb 2024

