Jupiter the Harmonizer

Do you feel kind of stuck or stagnant recently and wondering why nothing is happening? The second half of May enters into another realm as I mentioned in my Cosmic Scope for May 2023 here. There are no more eclipses until Oct this year. But the effects from the past few eclipses are still working their magic. Before I start to talk about Jupiter entering Taurus, I would like to point out that Jupiter will touch the anaretic degree 29 Aries which was the same point we had the Solar Eclipse at 29 degree Aries on 19 or 20 April. This will expand the impact on this point if it aspects (conjunct, square or opposition) any of your planets or angles at 29 degree of any cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

May 17-21, lots of movements in the cosmic sky. How do they impact us the earthlings here?

Fixed Grand Cross

Jupiter at 0 degree Taurus, North Node at 2 degree Taurus opposite South Node at 2 degree Scorpio

Pluto at 0 degree Aquarius opposite Mar at 0 degree Leo

The Grand Cross aspect denotes a very stuck energy, as if there’s no where to escape. Being in the fixed signs, it further accentuates the rigidity, determination, having to see things to the end. But with Uranus also in Taurus, although a bit away from this saga and Jupiter, being the jolly and lucky planet teaming up with the North Node, things can manifest in surprising ways. You might feel very stuck in a mixed pot of energies pulling you in all directions but all of a sudden, something just pops up that solves everything and it’s just meant to happen that way!

Now, let’s take a look at each Sun/Rising/Moon sign:

If you are still confused with what sign to look for, here’s an example - I have Sun in Aquarius, Virgo Rising and Moon in Aries. I’ll look at the signs, Aquarius, Virgo and Aries below to understand the impact that affect me holistically. But usually Rising and Sun signs will be most prominent.

ARIES: Mixed pot of a strong desire to shine and show your creativity, party, fall in love, losing friends and making new ones, shedding away fears, obsessions, secrets, focus on practical material stuff, self worth.

Release point: Slow down and enjoy nature. Appreciate the things that you already have. You don’t have to constantly chase after things or people.

TAURUS: Mixed pot of a strong desire to enjoy your new home/family, changing career or public status, leaving a partnership (business or marriage), focus on stability in yourself.

Release point: Nourish yourself with good food, beautiful things. There’s no need to rush but accept changes when they come along. Don’t be stubborn.

GEMINI: Mixed pot of a strong desire to be more outspoken, excel in studies/learning, big change in perspective of life, foreign travel, freedom, clearing away daily regime that no longer benefit you, changing roles in job, focus on me-time, retreat, spirituality.

Release point: Go slow, hide away and pamper yourself. Allow yourself to be behind the scene of action. Take one step at a time. There’s no need to rush.

CANCER: Mixed pot of a strong desire to boost your self esteem, wealth, clearing away any dispute in joint resources, secrets, obsessions, leaving a secret affair, children moving out, focus on building a new social circle, stronger friendships.

Release point: Expand your community, rely on trusted people to collaborate on something. Enjoy being with friends. Come out of your shell!

LEO: Mixed pot of a strong desire to wear louder colored clothes/accessories. Pamper and express yourself, change in partnership (business or marriage), shedding away family/ancestral burden, secrets, building a solid foundation for a new career.

Release point: Allow yourself to slow down and not overwork. You don’t need to constantly prove yourself to others.

VIRGO: Mixed pot of a strong desire to perhaps start a new hobby and enjoying it privately, big changes in daily routine, health issues, shedding away old thinking and values, resolve conflict with a sibling, focus on building a new belief system, foreign travel plans, higher studies.

Release point: Allow yourself to slowly absorb any new concepts, perspective and accept the changes that come along, don’t get fixated on making everything perfect.

LIBRA: Mixed pot of a strong desire to start a creative project with friends, party, fight for a cause, change in self expression, ego death, shedding away obsession with money, renewed self esteem, focus on resources with the other.

Release point: Enjoy the time with others where everyone chip in resources. Appreciate team work. Be mindful that you don’t need to please everyone.

SCORPIO: Mixed pot of a strong desire to shine in your career or show your gifts/creativity to the world, deep transformation of emotions, family matters, releasing your old self, including change of your appearance, focus on building a solid foundation in your partnership (business or marriage).

Release point: Allow yourself to slow down and cherish the sweet moments with your other half. Take things lightly and don’t take it personally.

SAGITTARIUS: Mixed pot of a strong desire to travel overseas, take up spiritual studies, find the truth about life, changes in your mindset and value, letting go of toxic energies, obsessions, focus on building a consistent daily regime for own wellness and pets.

Release point: Enjoy the simple and slow days. Don’t try to do many things at once. Let go of the need to judge yourself and others.

CAPRICORN: Mixed pot of a strong desire to take charge of joint resources, spending spree using joint money, changes in financial situation, letting go of toxic friendships, focus on creativity, having fun, spending time with kids.

Release point: Take it slow, joyful moments can be simple and fun. It doesn’t have to be planned or structured.

AQUARIUS: Mixed pot of a strong desire to do something fun, crazy and sexy with your partner, major change in self, total makeover, releasing power struggle in career, focus on family time.

Release point: Save up money for family/home. Enjoy slow and simple moments with family or just stay home.

PISCES: Mixed pot of a strong desire to shine at work, total spiritual transformation, finishing higher education, letting go of old belief system, focus on building foundation in the local environment or new mindset and values.

Release point: Enjoy exploring local neighborhood, nearby cafes and parks. Start appreciating what is surrounding you instead of fantasizing on things faraway. Stay focus and grounded.

I’d be glad to hear your experiences this month!


Cosmic Scope for June 2023

