Cosmic Scope for July 2023

We are now entering the second half of 2023!

July, July, July…. For some countries, it is a whole new financial year while others, is a beginning of the second half.

Well, most of us know that time is an illusion. But for decades over decades, humans have all sorts of feelings like completion, loss, excitement etc. during such periods of the year. The month of July is like riding a roller-coaster. It’s a collective energy. So everyone is feeling the ups and downs.

1st half of July: Uncertainty, fulfilment, excitement, frustration, change

1/2 July, Neptune stations retrograde until 6 Dec from 27 to 24 Deg Pisces. If you have planets or angles within these degrees in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius, Neptune is softening the strength of the planets in aspect and the houses affected. The key is not to resist it and go inwards. Go introspective and heal that area of your life.

On 3 July, we have a full moon at 11 Deg Capricorn. Again, look for the house this full moon falls in, there is culmination and completion of this area.

10/11 July, Mars enters Virgo and trine the North Node in Taurus. There is a sudden spurt of energy to tidy things, declutter which flows well with the North Node wanting to get things done properly.

11/12 July, almost at the same time, Mercury joins Venus entering into Leo. The mind is very eager to charge forward aligning with the sudden flow of creative juice, but the square aspect with the Nodes is asking us to slow down, wait, there’s still some basic things to be learned. Hence, we might feel quite frustrated during these few days.

12 July, all these frustrations is also reacting to the change in Nodal Axis from Taurus-Scorpio to Aries-Libra. For the past 18 months, we have been juggling with the big topic of resources. Inflation, interest rate rise, affordability etc. Now, the focus is shifting towards relationships. Let’s turn the clock back to about 18-19 years ago, around end 2004 or early 2005, when the exact change of Nodal Axis, think back what happened to your life? Although it will not be exactly the same scenario because the outer planets will be in different positions and aspects to your personal planets and angles but it should give you a rough idea of how the canvas looks like. This will last for the next 18 months. For me personally, Aries-Libra axis falls in my 8th and 2nd Houses respectively. 18 years ago, I took the courage to make a big transformation (Aries 8th) to uproot and migrate from Singapore to Australia. Transiting Pluto was on my IC conjunct Natal Jupiter in Sagittarius.

2nd half of July: Stuck in the mud, inner healing, reflection of love

17 July, we have a New Moon at 24 Deg Cancer. Again, which house does this New Moon falls in your chart? It’s a new chapter in your life, perhaps a new home, family, feelings and security. However, things might not be as rosy as we thought. This New Moon is forming a Cardinal Grand Cross with the Nodes and Pluto. Here, you might feel refreshed with the New Moon, but Pluto in opposition has authority issues that need to be dealt with, and the tension from the square aspect with the nodes of wanting to charge forward (North Node in Aries) yet afraid of destroying relationship with others. (South Node in Libra). Luckily, there are 2 release points that can help with such ‘stuck in the mud’ situation. Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto, providing an opportunity to let it go. Release the tension through meditation, let off some steam doing things you enjoy. Venus in Leo trine North Node offers the gift of love. Try to be creative, generous and offer love to get around this situation.

22/23 July, Chiron and Venus go retrograde. Two very feminine and delicate energies is asking us to focus on inner healing and be honest with ourselves about what we truly love. Chiron in Aries, have we been losing our own identities? Have we been brave and assertive enough and see that we exist? Venus in Leo, when was the last time we exercise self-love? What can we do to love ourselves more?

28 July, Mercury enters Virgo and in opposition to Saturn in Pisces. How can we integrate the self-care with learning the lesson of selflessness? By helping others, we feel good about ourselves. Keeping ourselves grounded and calm, in order to support others.

Hang in there! We got this altogether.

Sending love, peace and joy for a great month of July ahead.




Cosmic Scope for June 2023